Paws for Patrick uses our Emotional Support Animal program to help alleviate the burden on individuals seeking to acquire an Emotional Support Animal to aid them with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health diagnoses.
We are proud to offer assistance to families all across the country, currently in all 50 states. Our Wish Program may offer assistance to young people aged 0-30, and/or caretakers of individuals living with mental health diagnoses.
Please fill out the form below to give us an idea of how we can help you. This form can be used for those individuals who are looking for help with an ESA letter, adopting an ESA, or simply getting training for your current animal. We can help with any or all of the above.
Did You Know?
ESAs are trained in basic obedience; they are not trained for public access or any travel training protocol. ESA’s are not Service Animals under the Department of Justice (DOJ) guidelines and are not automatically granted access to establishments like stores, restaurants, or malls. ESAs are protected under the Federal Housing Act; however, a landlord may ask the owner to provide documentation from a licensed physician or mental health professional stating that the animal is an essential part of treatment for a disability. Paws For Patrick facilitates such letters.
We Can Help…
If you are interested in making an existing animal an ESA or securing a new animal to serve as an ESA, Paws for Patrick wants to help you. Whether it be obtaining an ESA certification letter; finding a new animal and paying for adoption fees; or securing and paying for a trainer for basic obedience training; each request is handled on a case-by-case basis, and given the option to connect with a Wish Granter. Paws for Patrick is committed to helping you from beginning to end.
How It Works
Service Dog – ESA – Therapy Dog Comparison Chart

Fiona & Parlay
Talk about a warrior! This is Fiona and her new puppy, Parlay. Fiona was diagnosed with a condition called NF1 at 2 months old which has taken her and her family on a medical and life journey unlike anything we have ever seen. We are thrilled to have granted their wish to bring the happiness and unconditional love of an animal into their life journey.
NF1 is a condition that causes tumors to grow. Fiona has been on chemotherapy three different times in her life - when she was 18 months old (for 18 months), then again in 5th grade, and also in 7th grade. The middle school years were especially hard - because of her condition, she missed a lot of school and did not have many friends. This was when her depression and anxiety began. “Kids didn’t understand and would make fun of me. They used to think my chemo or my brain tumors were contagious. Kids would ask me if I was contagious. Then, when I was a freshman I had to have a 12-hour surgery on my back because pre-cancerous tumors were growing on my spine and in my stomach, and one kid even said to me, oh you’re going to have surgery and die. This, of course, only caused my anxiety to worsen.”
In addition to seeing a private therapist, her family decided adding a dog to the mix would be greatly beneficial, especially during Covid. Fiona’s Mom Amy is friends with Michelle Lawrenz, a teacher at Lake Forest High School who is also a volunteer for us at Paws for Patrick. She connected them to us and they met their Wish Grantor, Tammy Fiordaliso. Tammy worked closely with Fiona and Amy and they found Parlay, their new mini Goldendoodle, who joined their family back in January. “The hardest part was the first four nights and the crate training. Now she loves her crate. Training has been going very well - we work with Shag Bark in Antioch and Fiona goes to training once a week,” says Amy. “Having Parlay has made me super happy. Sometimes when I’m sad, she’ll come sit with me and will bring me toys to play with her and that takes my mind off of it, says Fiona. Amy added, “Even I’ve noticed when I see her, it’s given her a little bit of responsibility and just happiness. My husband is always like ``see, don’t we wish we did this sooner.” Fiona also has a brother, Payton who is 22, and a sister, Mia, who is 8. We wish them continued good health, and happiness, and our unending love and support.
Sabrina & Sammy & Louis Portes
Sabrina, 11, and her brother Sammy, 6, have faced many challenges in their young lives . . . the social isolation and difficulties of online learning during the pandemic; a recent move from the city to the suburbs & transitioning to new schools; and coping with their ADHD in the midst of all of these changes. Their Mom Amanda reached out to us for help obtaining an ESA and it didn’t take long before they brought Louis home this summer.
“It’s been great for the kids. They both love him to pieces. We love taking him to the dog park and we go as often as we can. Sabrina likes to show him off to her friends. He’s been good for her self-esteem, and it’s been helpful for her to have a routine and learn about taking care of him. Sammy thinks Louis is his best friend. They’re both gingers, actually, so he thinks of him as his brother. We are still in the puppy phase and working on training, but we hope to have him certified to be a Therapy Dog when he’s old enough and ready.”
Her advice to others, “Paws for Patrick makes it really easy. Definitely do it. Louis is an asset to the family, and the kids just love having him around.”
O'Machels & Riley
Paws for Patrick is incredibly proud to introduce you to the O’Machel family and their new forever friend, Riley. Patty and her children - Finn (18), Shea (16) and McKenna (13) - were first introduced to us by Julie Conway, a member of our Board of Directors, who has also been Shea’s Occupational Therapist since she was 9 months old.
Shea has Cerebral Palsy and began having seizures this past July. Since then, she has had seven of them. “It has been hard, and especially difficult for her siblings. The seizures have created a lot of fear.”
Working through their Paws Wish Grantor, the O’Machel’s were able to adopt Riley at 8 weeks old. “He has been a really good distraction, and he has brought a new sense of energy into our lives.” Using the additional funds they received from Paws for Patrick, the O’Machel’s will start basic manners training in a group session next week.
“We take him everywhere with us. Our emotional attachment to him is very real and very strong. The puppy phase is a little tricky but it’s like giving birth - you forget the painful parts. It will definitely be better once training is complete. Riley makes us laugh, he makes us happy, and we love to snuggle with him.”
We are so happy for the O’Machel’s!
Morgan & Mescal
Morgan, a student at Montana State University, came to Paws for Patrick for help securing an ESA certification letter and funds for training for her bestie, Mescal.
Living in an apartment off-campus, Morgan’s advice to other students is “be patient. Some landlords can be quite stubborn but don’t give up. You are allowed to have an ESA living with you.”
Mescal helps Morgan cope with anxiety and panic attacks. “Most of my anxiety and panic attacks are in social situations. Just knowing he is near me helps me calm down a bit. He’s also tall enough that if I do get overwhelmed and lose my bearings, I can grab onto him; he helps keep me grounded.”
Morgan first got Mescal in the spring of 2020 and has been working with Sit Means Sit for assistance in training Mescal, who is currently a Service dog in training. “He has all of his public access stuff down, and now we are working on his tasks. He is very disciplined.”
You can follow his progress on his account @service.pup.mescal and we wish them the very best!
Madison & Luca
“Honestly, as cliche as it sounds, he makes it easier for me to be by myself,” says Madison about her new furry best friend, Luka. “I talk to him all the time. He sleeps on my pillow. It gives me comfort that my dog is there.” Living with anxiety and ADHD, Madison says adding the love of Luka to her life has been a game-changer. “It's like I’m living for him. No matter what I’m going through, I need to take care of him. That can be a really good distraction.”
Madison is a full-time nursing student from San Francisco, CA currently in her sophomore year at Aurora University. Working with her Wish Granter, Donna Sabin (“she’s amazing!”)Madison adopted Luka last April. “He has the best temperament. He is so well behaved and everyone always compliments me. He’s the most loving dog. The training early on helped a lot. I just want everyone to meet him. He’s the best dog ever, and I love Paws for Patrick.”
Lexus & Fred
Meet Lexus and Fred, an American shorthair / Maine Coon mix. The two were already a pair when Lexus told her therapist about how Fred impacts her mental health in a very good way. When her therapist told her about Paws for Patrick and how we could provide her with an ESA certification letter, she reached out. Lexus shared, “I already had my sweet Fred. He has always been very tuned in to my feelings and emotions and I just wanted to get him certified. Just starting out in the adult world there have been a lot of hurdles - moving out on my own and having the stress of a full time job everyday has been something I’ve had a hard time adjusting to. Fred is like a breath of fresh air. Knowing I can come home after a long, stressful day and he’s right there ready to cheer me up is everything. He sits there and lets me snuggle with him as long as I need. It’s been amazing to have a little furry best friend! And to anyone who may be considering it, I’d say just go for it! Things are hard and life is hard and I know how much impact a little furry friend can have! It truly makes a difference!”
Laura & Bailey
“The hugs! He knows how to give hugs! It’s so comforting. It’s a little hard to describe . . . it’s like he makes me less wrapped up in my anxiety and my thoughts. He needs my attention and care and it helps get me out of my head. He’s definitely my best friend; we do everything together. He senses everything I’m feeling. The other day I was crying and he brought me a toy to play with him. Also, he literally waits for me to come home from school everyday at the door. It’s my favorite part of the day” says Laura of her new ESA Bailey.
“When I first got him it was pretty crazy. He’s matured so much and so quickly. He knows basic commands and can do some tricks. He just graduated from Intermediate training and we are going to take a little break. But we will go into advanced training on my birthday, December 10th.”
“Since getting Bailey I feel so much better. It kind of scares me how much better I am because I don’t want to think back to how bad it was. My advice to others is, GET A DOG! I would get like seven more!”
Kileen & Oakley
Kileen and her new bestie Oakley have fallen fast in love, and have bonded deeply and instantly after being paired together by Kileen’s Wish Grantor via Border Tails rescue. “My Mom was the one who told me about Paws for Patrick. I have struggled with depression and anxiety since about the 6th or 7th grade. Medicine wasn’t something I really wanted to take and I never really connected well with a therapist. We always had dogs growing up and my parents thought it may be helpful for me to get my own.”
“He has completely changed my life. I was at a place where I didn’t see a point in life. I had no motivation and just felt a lack of effort and existence. When he came along, I felt like I had someone and something to live for. He’s loving, he’s cuddly, he’s excited when he sees any new face. He can get a little too excited sometimes, but he’s an amazing dog. He’s adorable . . . adorable is a keyword for him.”
Killeen is a Junior at the University of Iowa and lives in an on-campus apartment with two roommates. “Everything with the University and my landlord went fine and very smoothly, and my roommates love Oakley, too. My advice to anyone else seeking an ESA is to be patient. The goal of Paws for Patrick is to help you find the pet that is the right fit for you and one that will make you happier than you ever thought you could be. It will happen but it may take time. And for me, I just know that the point where I was at in life would’ve gotten ugly without Paws for Patrick.”
Kaitlyn & Marley
Paws for Patrick is proud to introduce you to Kaitlyn and her new ESA, Marley. I mean, are they not just the cutest pair ever? Kaitlyn first heard about Paws for Patrick from her therapist, who she sees for support to cope with her depression and anxiety. Kaitlyn also suffers from chronic Lyme Disease.
Once she was connected to her Paws for Patrick Wish Grantor, they worked together to help Kaitlyn secure Marley. “I never would have been able to afford Marley by myself. He makes my life worth living. He changed me. He gives me a purpose and a life worth living. He gives me a reason to get up every day, and he gets me out of my room. Taking care of him gives me such a good feeling. He’s always there for me and I’m there for him. I love him so much.”
Kaitlyn is now working with a trainer with the additional funds granted by Paws for Patrick for help with basic manners training. Marley’s trainer comes to Kaitlyn’s house once a week to work with the pair for an hour. “It’s going well. I am so grateful to Paws for Patrick for making my dreams come true."
We are so proud of Kaitlyn and couldn’t be happier to have helped her find her forever best friend, Marley.
Jacob & Arthur
Jacob, who lives in Augusta, Georgia, was looking for avenues to take to have his rescue dog, Arthur, certified as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA). “My little sister was doing research and told me about Paws for Patrick. The people who rescued Arthur were looking for someone who could give him a good home; he’s six years old now and I’ve had him for four years. Getting him certified and being able to have him with me helps ground me. He’s my best friend.” When asked if he had any advice for someone in his shoes Jacob said, “Explore - there’s help out there if you just look for it.”
Ian & Marceline & Chloe
When Erendira saw her son Ian was having a hard time during the Pandemic, someone asked her if she would consider getting him a pet. Then she saw a post of ours on social media and it caught her eye, especially because Ian’s middle name is Patrick. She and her husband talked it over and decided to give it a try. After connecting with their Wish Granter, Donna, they adopted two kittens; “I can’t believe I’m a father,” exclaimed Ian, and he proudly chose their beautiful names, Marceline and Chloe. “He really loves his cats, and it’s surprising how truly tuned into his emotions they are,” says Mom, Erendira. “The cats have been really wonderful for all of us, not just Ian. It has been great and everyone has been amazing. We are so grateful.”
Heather & Issabel
Heather and her dog, Isabel - a 10 year old Sheltie - have been besties since Heather was a child. Heading off to college at the Ohio State University to study chemical engineering, Heather knew she would do better if she could have Isabel live with her at school.
“I truly do take better care of myself when I’m taking care of another living thing. Having her has helped me keep a schedule and helps me as a student without a doubt. She acts as an ESA for everyone on my floor in my dorm, too. Ohio State is a really big campus, so it’s nice just to take her on walks - she gives me a social outlet, as well.”
Working with a coordinator at Student Health Services, Heather found Paws for Patrick and was connected to her Wish Grantor, Taylor, for help in securing an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) certification letter via one of our Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW). This letter allows Isabel to live with her and her roommate in their dorm at school.
“Isabel gives me a way not just to survive, but to actually enjoy what I’m doing. The process was super awesome and it was very smooth. My Wish Granter, Taylor, was amazing.”
Griffin & Jiffy
Paws for Patrick is proud to introduce you to Griffin and his new ESA, Jiffy. This cute pair live off-campus at U of I and fell fast in love. According to Griffin, “having Jiffy has changed my mood. I’m happier. Even just having the distraction of caring for a puppy provides a bit of an escape.” Beyond the basic manners training Jiffy will receive, Griffin may one day have Jiffy trained to be a certified service dog to help him (& others, because he wants to give back) with some medical complications that resulted from a near fatal car accident he is still recovering from. Griffin reflected that he is incredibly grateful for the helping hand Paws for Patrick extended to him, and his advice for others struggling is to try to live by the motto GLASS HALF FULL. “I changed my mindset by looking back and realizing despite everything that has happened to me, I’m still here.”
David & Ayah
“Just go for it! I was so apprehensive about the responsibility of having a dog, but I haven’t regretted it for one second. She has been worth every trip out into the freezing cold in the middle of the night. The impact Ayah has had on my son’s life has been amazing,” said Grace, David’s Mom, when asked if she had any advice for someone seeking a resource for their child living with a mental illness.
David is the oldest of 7 children ranging from ages 8 to 3; he was diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder and insomnia and was starting to slip into a deep depression. That’s when Grace saw a post about Paws for Patrick on a Facebook page for parents of children with disabilities. “The goal was to find an Emotional Support Animal for David to help him sleep. A dog would also provide him with a physical buffer while out in public from his peers and society.”
“Our Wish Granter Donna was so extremely helpful. We adopted Ayah as a puppy from Heartland Animal Shelter. They were so great to work with. Now David is so completely connected to her. She is helping him go outside more and feels like a motivator. David cuddles with her at night which helps keep those intrusive thoughts away. I have noticed an Increase in his confidence, too . . . he is just as proud as she is of the new skills they are learning together during training. Honestly, having Ayah has helped David heal. This organization is just incredible - it has been more impactful to us than you can ever imagine.”
Danielle & Teddy
“I truthfully can say that Teddy saved my life,” shares Danielle of her new ESA, Teddy. Danielle was in the Highland Park parade at the time of the shooting and lived in an apartment directly across the street from the site of the tragedy. Suffering from significant PTSD, she started therapy and sought help from Paws for Patrick. “This organization has literally changed the trajectory of my life. I’m now the happiest I’ve ever been. With Teddy I feel fulfilled . . . I feel happy for the first time in a long time.”
Her Wish Grantor, Jake, and co-chair of our ESA program, Donna, both were instrumental in helping Danielle handle issues with her landlord. “I was just so thankful to have someone advocating for me in my most desperate time of need,” said Danielle. “Teddy has really helped with calming my anxiety and bringing me back down to the present moment, which has been extraordinary. Truthfully, I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in my entire life. Before I got him, I was in my worst mental state. Once I got Teddy, everything changed - he has been instrumental to my recovery. I am so grateful.”
Andrea & Leopold
“I cannot imagine my life without him,” says Andrea Skinner of her recently adopted Emotional Support Animal (ESA), Leopold.
“It is hard to express how much my dog Leopold means to me. Coming home to him is my favorite part of the day. He is an energetic, bubbly dog that keeps me on my toes. He always puts a smile on my face when he is doing something goofy. Having him has motivated me to spend more time outside, whether it is at the dog park or on a hike. My favorite part about Leo is how much he loves to cuddle. He has the softest fur ever and is always there if I need comfort.”
“To anyone else considering getting an ESA, it was one of the best experiences in my life. Look at your life and see what kind of animal would fit into your daily life. I knew that having a dog would be the best ESA to help me stick to a routine, which is something that I had been struggling with.”
Andrea is in her senior year at Colgate University and came to Paws for Patrick for help adopting an ESA, whom she could live with in her on-campus apartment. Working with her Wish Granter, Donna, Andrea adopted Leopold from Border Tails Rescue and has been loving life since then.
Anonymous Client
After going through a tough time while trying to finish school, this client had been having a lot of issues and feeling very discouraged. However, after they received the necessary paperwork for their dog, which is an ESA, they were able to show it to their landlord and avoid being charged extra fees for having a pet when they lived in their old apartment. This helped them avoid paying a past bill to their landlord and has freed up their focus on getting housing. Paws For Patrick was there to help break the cycle!
Alice & Marcus
Alice, who just turned 9, was in need of some extra love and comfort - Covid restrictions and isolation were starting to get to her. Luckily, her mom Irena saw an advertisement for Paws for Patrick and called the number. They were matched with their Wish Granter, Mindy, and the next thing they knew they were rescuing Marcus from a shelter. P4P, as we do for all our clients, covered the adoption expenses and training fees. Being the only child of a single mom, Marcus has given her a friend to play with, and some responsibility to help care for him. He loves to be around people and is settling in nicely with his new family (well, the cat is still adjusting).
Ainsley & MJ
“It definitely wasn’t a hard choice to get a cat as my ESA. I used to always tell people I was a cat lady without any cats,” says Ainsley of MJ (short for Mary Jane, ala Spider Man). She continues, “I have a history with anxiety and depression which led to a good amount of self-neglect and not doing tasks for myself. It’s hard to ignore those when you have someone else to care for. MJ gives me a reason to get out of bed and do something.”
Ainsley is a Junior at Kent State living off-campus with her partner in Canton, Ohio. She worked with her Wish Grantor, Nikki, to rescue MJ from the Humane Society of Stark County. “Nikki was great - she was always very responsive. Having MJ has been excellent. She’s very sweet. She makes me happy and she likes to be around me.”
Brooke & Navie
Brooke, a college student far from her hometown, grappled with anxiety, making even simple outings feel daunting. The desire for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) led her to adopt Navie (McNab- a breed from California) from a shelter. After finding out about Paws For Patrick through her campus counseling center, Brooke took the next steps.
Paws For Patrick proved to be a support, providing guidance on obtaining an ESA letter, housing, and training for Navie. The story of how Brooke and Navie met was a pleasantly unexpected one. After going to the store for cat supplies, Naive caught Brooke’s attention. Her calm and sweet presence instantly drew her in, and she decided to bring Navie home, hoping they could both overcome their anxieties together.
In Brooke's view, having an ESA is similar to any other relationship, requiring care, patience, and understanding, especially when adopting a shelter animal. With Navie as her constant companion, Brooke has “gained the confidence to take up space in my environment, and has given me so many new opportunities to engage with my community”.
Reflecting on her journey, Brooke's advice for those facing similar challenges is to take “one day at a time. It’s cliché, but it’s easier to break up any hard tasks or times into smaller, more palatable portions—whether that be life’s challenges, dealing with unwanted dog behaviors, or any struggles you’re going through.”
We send our best wishes to Brooke and Navie!
Caroline & Cheddar
Meet Caroline and Cheddar. Caroline adopted her beautiful cat Cheddar this summer and turned to Paws for Patrick for help securing an ESA certification letter. “As a student I have been put under a lot of pressure balancing school, work and a social life while also overcoming many things life has thrown at me such as a recent divorce between my family and going to school across the country from the people I love.” When asked what it’s like having an ESA, Caroline shared, “Having Cheddar is amazing! I have constant comfort and don’t ever feel lonely being able to have him with me whenever I need him. He has helped me with many mental struggles I am facing, and he’s an easy distraction and an escape from loneliness.” We wish Caroline and Cheddar the very best!
Ely, Timothy & Oreo
At the Autumn Fall Festival on her campus, Ely discovered Paws For Patrick, a resource she hadn’t realized she needed. She had long contemplated making their family dog, Oreo, an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), but financial and landlord obstacles stood in the way.
Ely, a devoted mother to 15-year-old Timothy with special needs, recognized the unique bond Oreo had with her son. "Timothy is showing responsibility, now he knows the signal of when Oreo needs to go out. He has to be responsible for another being.” She shared. Paws For Patrick assisted Ely and Timothy in obtaining Oreo's ESA letter, and they soon after enrolled in training classes. Oreo's presence brought solace to the entire family. “Sometimes Timothy has stressful flare-ups- with noises, and he feels worked up and goes to sit with Oreo. He’ll say “Give me a hug Oreo”, and Oreo approaches him and lays with him. Oreo has changed Timothy’s behavior- Oreo knows when he’s stressed and Timothy calms down.” Ely revealed. But Oreo's influence extended to her older children and even helped Ely manage her own anxiety attacks.
Ely's advice for others in similar situations was clear: “It’s good to ask for help. Look for the support you need- in our case, it was Paws For Patrick. The emotional comfort and bonding have helped. Sometimes we feel ashamed, and we shouldn’t.”
We send our best wishes to Ely, Timothy, and Oreo!