Paws for Patrick uses our Emotional Support Animal program to help alleviate the burden on individuals seeking to acquire an Emotional Support Animal to aid them with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health diagnoses.

We are proud to offer assistance to families all across the country, we are currently in 45 states with aspirations for all 50 by the end of the year. Our Wish Program may offer assistance to young people aged 0-30, and/or caretakers of individuals living with mental health diagnoses.

ESA Request Form

Please fill out the form below to give us an idea of how we can help you. This form can be used for those individuals who are looking for help with an ESA letter, adopting an ESA, or simply getting training for your current animal. We can help with any or all of the above.

Did You Know?

ESAs are trained in basic obedience; they are not trained for public access or any travel training protocol. ESA’s are not Service Animals under the Department of Justice (DOJ) guidelines and are not automatically granted access to establishments like stores, restaurants, or malls. ESAs are protected under the Federal Housing Act; however, a landlord may ask the owner to provide documentation from a licensed physician or mental health professional stating that the animal is an essential part of treatment for a disability. Paws For Patrick facilitates such letters.

We Can Help…

If you are interested in making an existing animal an ESA or securing a new animal to serve as an ESA, Paws for Patrick wants to help you. Whether it be obtaining an ESA certification letter; finding a new animal and paying for adoption fees; or securing and paying for a trainer for basic obedience training; each request is handled on a case-by-case basis, and given the option to connect with a Wish Granter. Paws for Patrick is committed to helping you from beginning to end.

How It Works

Service Dog – ESA – Therapy Dog Comparison Chart


Paws for Patrick provides continual care and support to our clients and the communities we serve. Services provided by Paws for Patrick are free; however, as a nonprofit organization, we rely solely on the generosity of individual, community, and corporate donations to help us achieve our mission. 

We offer presentations on ESAs and Therapy Dogs… Interested? Contact us.